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flowers border Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, July 29, 2011

* * * * * Persian Art Flowers * * * * *

This is a wall art decoration with Persian flowers . I drew all the flowers or flowery patterns after I got this inspiration from two pictures. I got them from Internet and tried to imagine what kind of flowers or art I could draw on the white vase cover. It was originally empty and then,I painted it white before drawing all the Persian flowers and cloud patterns. For the rose flowers (on the upper side and middle of the vase cover ), I got them from a wall hanger and a small ceramic wedding basket(you can find it by Google -ceramic wedding basket),then I repainted them with water colour to make them suited to the background.I showed it to my grandmother , supposed to ask her opinion till I was satisfied. She asked me to add some patterns on the whole side to make it more flowery and doesn't look empty.Then,I got caught up in the idea! =)

These two pictures below,I got from internet as reviews for the wall art decoration.

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