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flowers border Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, August 14, 2011

~An emerging decoration inside a frame~

This is an another wall art decoration at my grandmother's home . I made it by using an empty frame ,potpourri and some wasted things which were still usable for the emerging decoration on the center. I hang it on a wall , close to a dining table.
Everything is based on your creativity on how to decorate or make any artistic things for the center part.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

~*~ White flowers on an old mirror frame ~*~

There was a make-up table with a big classic mirror which hadn't been used for a long time by my grandmother and it was put outside of our house. I could see that it was getting old and dull time after time.Looked quite dusty. For me ,it was still usable if I could make something as long as my mind still could find out the best idea on how to manipulate it.Then,I told my grandmother , I would like to composite that make-up table to get only the mirror frame. Yes ,I finally got it by using my grandfathers' sharp saw.

Then,I decorated it by drawing three big flowers and painted them white. I got used to my black marker to make some shadows that supposed to emerge those three white flowers.For the other things, I used potpourris and shred of unused green carpet for the grasses at the bottom part where some brown twigs are here. I attached them all on the frame by strong glue.

Friday, July 29, 2011

* * * * * Persian Art Flowers * * * * *

This is a wall art decoration with Persian flowers . I drew all the flowers or flowery patterns after I got this inspiration from two pictures. I got them from Internet and tried to imagine what kind of flowers or art I could draw on the white vase cover. It was originally empty and then,I painted it white before drawing all the Persian flowers and cloud patterns. For the rose flowers (on the upper side and middle of the vase cover ), I got them from a wall hanger and a small ceramic wedding basket(you can find it by Google -ceramic wedding basket),then I repainted them with water colour to make them suited to the background.I showed it to my grandmother , supposed to ask her opinion till I was satisfied. She asked me to add some patterns on the whole side to make it more flowery and doesn't look empty.Then,I got caught up in the idea! =)

These two pictures below,I got from internet as reviews for the wall art decoration.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

~ :Welcome :~

** |^| ** ~:Welcome to 'My Grandmother's Sweet Home' :~ **|^|**

This blog shows you all hand-made wall art decorations which made by me with my beloved grandmother at home.Everything was started at my grandma's home. It might be funny to some people but why not,because it's an alternative way for me to show my love to her. =) .
Firstly ,I really didn't get any ideas on how to decorate my grandma's home when I saw that it was quiet empty and thoroughly out of any appropriate decorations.Unrealized,time after time ,some ideas kept streaming out of my mind and let my hands work out on it. Besides researching various ideas from books ,magazines and internet, sharing knowledge is an alternative way of observing any ideas that may initiate my inspirations with grandma. Then, we would sit together to get a rough discussion. It just like peeling a fruit to make some juice ,so then we can drink or taste together. It is indeed delightful for me because it would definitely be a nice time with my grandmother and all our ideas would be poured and 'implemented' in the house.About my grandmother,she also likes sewing besides gardening.She got some expertise of making flowery pattern for her pillowcases by her sewing skill. That's also one of her delightful things . She has never taught me that but I got it in different way and still could be used for drawing flowers ,patterns or something else. I'm more to wall art decoration and it does mean I'm very close to her home's wall where all my ideas would be leaf on. =)

I have lived with my grandparents since I was a child. A lot of things we have shared together in that sweet home.. since my childhood ,since I was well known as a naughtiest kid who created dreadful things around! he he.Erm, I had never imagined that one day I could make something different for that home,the place I have stayed together with them for a long time.Never! But who knows..inspiration is sometimes well known as an unexpected thing and out of any estimations!Literally, inspiration is one of most beautiful things that everybody is looking for. Like me,I'm just a simple one but I like to have various things in my life as long as those things are still appropriate and not out of track.

Currently, I'm doing my master degree in Electrical Engineering (Electronic Design) and I have been busy with my project PID controller using Scilab. I would do the other activities when I get my free times and no disturbances to my study timetable. Some of them such as jogging or any sport activities is compulsory to me and I have to do it in evening after I perform my Asar prayer at mosque. Just for a few days, I do prefer to get my full rest especially on weekends but it depends.

Hopefully, you guys will be entertained by this blog.I have just published it today and I'm going to upload or post more pictures to its wall. If you want to share some ideas or suggestions ,yes why not!You are most welcome anytime :-)

For all the wall art decorations,it's also kind of my small business. If you have intention to make order or somewhat, you can contact me via facebook or email. Everything can be dealt with me including price,design,what kind of materials you like or etc. You have a chance that your wall art decoration can be made based on your wants and it should be in small or medium size. All you can see through all the pictures as samples. =)
